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invesarservice@gmail.com Email

About Us

Invesar Securities  operates www.invesarsecurities.com, a virtual financial supermarket, meeting the two sets of  its clients need - Through broking  and distribution of financial products , At Invesar  we are committed to working with our clients to help them achieve financial freedom and protect this  freedom at every life stage.  Invesar pulls in all aspects of your financial picture. We consider Demat account, Mutual Funds ,Life Insurance, Health Insurance , Retirement planning, Debt allocation, NPS, Corporate FD, Bond, and more to create a value, you can not only see, but constantly monitor through your very own Living Portfolio. We strongly recommend and use Mutual Funds in every clients' portfolio creation. Due to its lot many advantages over other investment products like-diversification, professional approach and steady growth.  

The Invesar Securities  is an organization that has set a new trend in financial market. An extended hand which is given forward to lead you into and educate you to increase your awareness about the financial fraternity.

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Family Account

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Invest Online in Lumpsum or SIP
in mutual fund schemes.


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and Invest into ELSS Funds



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Focused Funds

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Mobile App

Manage your wealth & track your family’s portfolio with one single login. You can easily and quickly invest in Mutual Funds from the app. Explore funds, view their performance and invest. Start an SIP or invest Lumpsum. Check out our recommendation of funds under Focused Funds. Whether you made profits or loss, check out from the reports. Simply Login and setup a 4 digit PIN for subsequent login so that you don’t need to enter your Username & Password every time. Download Now!

Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is a type of financial vehicle made up of a pool of money collected from many investors to invest in securities like stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and other assets. Mutual funds are operated by professional money managers, who allocate the fund's assets and attempt to produce capital gains or income for the fund's investors. A mutual fund's portfolio is structured and maintained to match the investment objectives stated in its prospectus.

Mutual funds give small or individual investors access to professionally managed portfolios of equities, bonds, and other securities. Each shareholder, therefore, participates proportionally in the gains or losses of the fund. Mutual funds invest in a vast number of securities, and performance is usually tracked as the change in the total market cap of the fund—derived by the aggregating performance of the underlying investments.


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Contact Us


8795831715 9436260284
Email invesarservice@gmail.com
Address: C 31/4-1 , E-1 Shree Guru Apartment,
2nd floor Vidyapeeth Road , above Allahabad bank,
Varanasi, U.P 221010.
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